It is a great joy to me and Roxanne to go on a vacation. I can remember road trips back during my childhood that provided wonderful memories of far away places. I still love a good road trip.
For us, this year we saw Zion, Bryce, Canyonlands and all the high desert and prairie one could imagine. Stopping at Walmarts to camp in our RV along the way and feeling the deliciousness of the open road and the adventure of it all. In the last four weeks we travelled some 2800 miles to see some of the best scenery the Western United States has to offer. We even adventured 40 miles up a dirt road trying to find the Northwest Passage around Priest Lake Idaho. Jon and Kirsten were wonderful hosts to us while we visited Priest Lake.
So now we are back. Roxanne went back to her job and I went back to mine and I must say that we are very content to be home again. Once again we are among the familiar places and the friends and the brothers and sisters we love so much. We are looking forward to the new challenges of the year ahead.
We hope that you too enjoyed your vacation and that you are ready for whatever the Lord brings to you in trial, in blessing, in growth, in service.